With our full service workshops in 3 locations, we see A LOT of virus infected computers come through our doors. And the common denominator with many of them is that they have a free or substandard internet security program installed.
Don’t get us wrong – we aren’t suggesting the free anti virus programs are useless. They are certainly better than having no protection at all. However – in our vast experience, you very much get what you pay for when it comes to internet security.
Sometimes it can come down to what you do on your computer
If you are rarely online, don’t typically access emails then chances are, a free antivirus program will be quite sufficient for your needs. If you download movies, music, games, or other software and don’t have a good quality security program installed – you are playing with fire!
Anti Virus versus Internet Security – whats the difference?
Typically a program with the title “internet security” will do a lot more to protect your computer than a simple “anti virus” program will. Security threats can come from a variety of directions now and it is important to have a product that protects you for different situations.
Lets take Kaspersky for example. The “anti virus” version of their software gives you real time protection against viruses, spyware, trojans, rootkits and more. The “internet security” version also adds ‘safe money’ to protect you when using online banking. It offers a ‘secure keyboard’ option to help prevent phishing scams. It offers options to keep your PC safer for your kids with increased parental controls and many more options.
For a small cost of $59 for a 2 year licence for 1 computer, we think its cheap insurance.
If you have a variety of devices like smartphones, tablets, notebooks or desktop computers there are products that will cover all of these as well. There have been more reported incidences of viruses attacking smart phones and tablets so this would be a smart move.
Our recommended products:
- If you have just the 1 computer – Kaspersky Internet Security, 1 PC/2 Years
- If you have multiple computers – Kaspersky Internet Security, 3PC/2 Years
- If you have a variety of devices – Kaspersky Internet Security Multi Devices
- If you have an network of computers in an office or home office – BitDefender or Kaspersky both have business grade products designed to protect a variety of computers.
We stock all of these products so just drop in store to collect the right product for you!